Mark Hamill’s Heartfelt Letter To Fans

Mark Hamill, man and woman

One of the most popular Star Wars franchise actors, Mark Hamill, on Friday, shared a letter on Twitter thanking Star Wars fans.
His tweet in which he publishes the letter began with the words: “A few thoughts as one era ends and another begins …”

In the letter, Hamill talks about how, in 1976, he and other actors, specifically Harrison and Carrie, were tested for a role in a movie called “The Adventures of Luke Starkiller.”


He says no one could have imagined how many rich and imaginative adventures a small space movie could launch. And that film will inspire eight chapters to tell the story of the Skywalker saga. He cites Carrie, who once said that “Star Wars is about family, and that is what we all have to become – one giant community that shares the experience of these stories and the fundamental value they instill in us.”

two men and a woman

At the end of the letter, in conclusion, Hamill thanks the fans by saying, “I am deeply thankful for all your continued enthusiasm and dedication to George’s faraway galaxy, which will continue to grow with new storytellers building an even larger gallery, filled with heroes, villains, action, romance, and, of course, The Force.”

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Mark Hamill is popular in the SciFi world for masterfully portraying Luke Skywalker’s role in Star Wars films. Especially in the first original trilogy. The last Star Wars movie in which Hamill starred is Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker.

Mark Hamill’s full Twitter post:

Fans response

In response to Hamill’s tweet, fans have once again shown great love and dedication to the franchise, as well as to Hamill himself. This shows that Star Wars is one of the biggest and most popular movie franchises ever, which has a huge and very dedicated audience.

As Mark says,

May the Force be with you… Always.

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