Each new Star Trek series brings a new design of uniform, so Star Trek: Picard has remained consistent with this trend.
In my opinion, the best uniforms were in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Very elegant with good lines, and they seemed very practical. However, the uniforms from Star Trek: The Original Series are original and cult, and that’s a fact.
And now we have a new Trek series, focused on Jean-Luc, Captain of the starship USS Enterprise from TNG, which is coming out soon. The series is announced for January 23, 2020.

Star Trek: Picard shared first look at Jean-Luc Picard’s admiral uniform with the Stardate 2385. Fans are getting a look at Jean-Luc Picard’s final Starfleet uniform thanks to a display at the Destination Star Trek event in Birmingham, England.
The new uniform is mostly black, with red shoulders angling down towards the arms, emphasized by gold and black trim. Generally, the uniform is reminiscent of the early Deep Space Nine uniforms, but with a distinctly sharper and angular aesthetic.
You can also see the design on the cover of the upcoming prequel comic book series, Star Trek: Picard – Countdown.
The Picard series is set 20 years after the movie Nemesis.

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